The weavers in the valley are lost in their own cubicle of time and place. In the attempt to preserve a rich tradition and art they have missed out on a plethora of opportunities that are beckoning both in India and abroad. What hitherto remain untapped markets and unsought customers, can usher the industry into a new realm altogether.
As of today, very few societies have the muscle to cater to the foreign markets. The trade currently occurs with foreign customers by means of international exhibitions that are held in countries like Germany, Singapore, UK, US etc. The government provides assistance in this regard by reimbursing 50% of the expenses incurred. The society equipped with sample pieces and having hired a professional designer awaits bulk orders. Once an order is procured, a number of challenges loom large before the society ranging from availability of enough workforce to meet the demand on time, availability of raw material from Ludhiana that matches the required specification and adhering to the design requirements. One should not assess the quality of a handcrafted shawl and a machine made one under the same lens. There is a need to position handloom in the minds of the foreign customers in a way that would help them appreciate the subtle imperfections inherent in the products. The cost for procuring an order, the risk of being unable to cater to it and the fear of rejection makes exports an expensive affair for the societies causing them to shy away from it. A conglomerate of weavers from across a wide cross section of the industry could be formed that could focus solely on foreign markets. This body will act as a facilitator by procuring raw material, providing information on the latest trends in design and colours in foreign markets, ensuring quality standard of the consignment and distributing the order amongst smaller groups as per their capacity.
As far as urban markets within the country are concerned, they too have different tastes and trends. A better way to reach these consumers would be by opening the industry to privatisation and inviting well established stores like Fab India, the Bombay Store etc. to assist the industry. This would not only help organize the sector to a large extent but also bring the industry under the purview of entrepreneurs and add a new dimension to it. These initiatives at a macro level can help pump life into the industry that’s has been experiencing a silent stifled death in the valley.
Join the campaign at : http://himachal.us/category/save-the-weaver
Anonymous said...
What is the incentive for bombay store and fab india to support them, they are already in pretty good shape. Also, regulation is not the answer to this market failure :)
Anonymous said...
its called "business" !
for profit of course....the urban demand is huge and bombay store and
fab india will just serve as channels to satisfy this demand. Its not
for charity :)
Regulation i agree is not the answer but it is something that has to
be done to help the industry. It may not brighten up prospects but it
will atleast stop the degradation.
Anonymous said...
If it can make a profit, then one shall not worry to solve this failure. Some entrepreneur will come and unleash the market's potential.
Also regarding "the urban demand is huge", what makes you say that? If it was the case, why hasn't somebody supplied to satisfy the demand? Or r u just making futile effort to give birth to this industry that has no real demand?
Shilpa K said...
It's like the gravitational force. It always existed but it took a Newton to sit under the tree and wait for the apple to fall!
The demand for handcrafted products is immense, as is evident from various market surveys. We ourselves have conducted one.
However, what is missing are linkages between the weaver and the market. To give an example, the traditional Kullu shawls are woven in vibrant colors while the urban market prefers pastel shades. An urban consumer would rather buy a stole or a bed spread. But the weaver in the valley lacks this perspective.
Moreover, a good marketer can CREATE demand when none exists. Look around and you can find good examples of this.