Lit a fire with my thoughts

Burnt a hole in my heart

Shaped a destiny with believes

Crossed an angel on my path

Wished a dream on a star

Washed my sins on the road

Bled tears from old scars

Broke promises that were made

Stole a kiss from the girl

Laid a soul to its rest

Stitched a smile on a face

Etched a name in the oak

Sang a song for the poor

Danced a dance for the rich

Prayed a prayer for the helpless

Wept a tear for the rest

Fought for a cause

Lived for a reason

Blamed the world

Changed the lanes

Sailed the oceans

Danced on the waves

Wrote a book

Read a face

Risked a life

And lived the best

· Why does life suddenly seem ripped of a goal when only a few years back even submitting an assignment on time added vigor to it?

· Why does junk food suddenly seem unhealthy when until a few years back it didn’t evoke the slightest concerns about calories?

· Why is it so long since I last had a chat with my best buddy when until a few years back we had all the time in the world to text each other a senseless joke?

· Why is it so difficult to spend time doing things I love when only a few years back I had juggled everything on the agenda to cram in some time to go dance?

· Why has music disappeared from my everyday living when until a few years back listening to songs on Love Guru was the most relaxing thing in bed?

· Why has TV lost its charm when only a few years back surfing aimlessly like a couch potato was my idea of relaxation?

· Why has my wardrobe changed from reds and pinks to plain pastels and stripes?

· Why are there more black shoe liners than white sports socks with a familiar check mark on it?

· Why have they replaced funky plastic click pens with heavy metal ones to make notes in branded notepads and leather-covered diaries or is it just me?

· Why have days become longer than nights and weekends truncated to just a Sunday?

· Why does the past seem more blissful when until now the present was all that mattered?

· Why does education and all the degrees suddenly seem to have gone waste when only a few years back you prayed to get into the best schools and etch a fantastic career path?

· Why do songs remind me of people and places when until now all knew was to sway to the the music?

…maybe life has suddenly become real after waking up from a dream!