The velvet touch of the silken air
On a putrid ochre maple leaf
Lifts it for a waltz to the whistling woods
Amidst the mild perfume of sandalwoods

The frosty midnight breezy air
In the cold thick darkness of the night
With the smell of crackling cedar fed to flames
The canines somewhere playing wishful games

The balmy morning zephyr gently kisses
With the warmth of the peach sunrise
The tinkering chimes which offer a sweet euphony
That slowly fades in the day’s cacophony

A faceless enigma, unseen and ethereal
Yet full of Spirit, bounty with Life
Like Him, who would always be there
To raise us to new heights when engulfed in grief
Caring touches, gentle whispers, when hope dries up like the maple leaf…

Tell me why should I save thee asked Her son to Mother Earth
‘Coz my son I’m parched and barren and of minerals there’s a dearth!

Heaps of unattended plastic, and tons of baloney
Clogging rivers that once flowed with milk and honey

Concrete jungles mushrooming having slaughtered verdant landscapes
And poisoned waters coloring the pristine clear lakes

The day isn’t too far when wildlife would be learnt through the encyclopedia
‘Coz who really cares about the endangered species, the flora and the fauna?

It’s a plight- the ripping boundaries that go running crisscross all across me
Scattered bits and pieces of tiny no-man’s-land is all that I see!

The craggy wrinkles on the dry skin of a dying mother ring no alarm
A spit here, a dump there, poaching here, fishing there, what’s the harm?

Although vicissitudes loom large about the future of dilapidated heritage sites
The air still trembles with deafening decibels and piercing flashy neon lights

Undeterred I witness- tremors, storms, eruptions and hurricanes,
My tears like the rains have dried up and my heart has hardened like the rocky terrains

Don’t pave my path to the gallows son; do vouch for my life son‘Coz what would hurt a mother more than being crucified by her own son?

The lady in her turquoise marine gown
With pale pink pearls from the ocean
The gentle swirl of her flowing robes
Like the rustle of waves in motion

Bathing in cool showers from the Heavens
Her wet long curls like a brook in the rock
The tiara bejeweled with beads of snow
Shimmering night sea- the sequins of her frock

Her reflection in the clear mirror pond
Flawless beauty as tranquil as its waters
A veil drawn over the face sets it aglow
Like how a fall of gushing water sunrays scatters

A murky blotch now on the turquoise garb
The robes marred with a slimy daub
The pink pearls slipped off, never to be found
The rustle replaced by the engines’ roaring sound

A spell of acid rains is all that precipitates
A sooty whirlpool in the sea now gyrates
The tiara tarnished, the snow flakes thawed
Dyes, dirt, debris have made her a slipshod

Bottle green mossy ponds, reflections trapped within
Ringed ripples – the silent cries of the wrinkled queen
O come, all ye slayers and bestow back her gurgling laughter
For she’s ailing, Latis - the Alpha of Life … the Goddess of Water

When yellow dreams are shattered
Like a broken string of satin pearls
And the eye sheds a silent tear
Like the first dew drop of the misty dawn
When hope disappears behind puffs of clouds
In the clear blue skies
And everything looks surreal
The unanswered prayers, the truth, the lies…

When yellow dreams fall apart
Like autumn leaves fallen in the woods
And ripples of despair drown mighty wishes
And a storm of unwieldy thoughts ruptures the soul
Like when a thousand and one rain drops
Pound on the unyielding icy cold floor
The heart longs to hear a reprise of unsung melodies
The resonance of crystal dreams crashing no more…

When yellow dreams seem to be obscure
Like when spinning on a swing, this way and that
Like when counting the tiny sparkles in the night sky
Like when taking the wrong turns on forbidden roads
Like when watching through the molten air above the bonfire
Like when trying to count speeding poles on a driveway
Like when walking through revolving doors in a hallway…

...It's time to wake up!