There ain’t no magic since you are gone

No signs of flutter birds or their songs

I sit by the window, the sun smiles at me

Life seems so much like a parody

I walk to the shores, the sand at me feet

Sand that once didn’t just seem to slip

From the hourglass you gifted me

Said like a little boy, “Please forgive me”

Now that it’s broken and so are our hearts

Warmth of the sun is all that I’ve got

The sand slipped away, the sea swallowed it

A box full of gifts and fond memories

Wrapped in a polythene dumped underneath

Out of my sight and yet in my heart

Forever shall stay and can never part

I cry out aloud and ask if it’s true

Is it goodbye forever to you?

“No” I scream aloud, it can’t ever be

You are my reason to believe

As I watch you cry

When you hear me sing

On the radio

Can you feel your heart sting?

Can you feel your heart sting?

Yes I know your heart stings

Yeah I know your heart stings

And that smile of yours makes my heart swing

Yes that smile of yours makes my heart swing

Yeah that smile of yours makes my heart swing!