You never know what could make you smile. Some of the biggest chunks of happiness come from the smallest pies of life. The most unthought-of reasons could make you believe in the power of simplicity!

  • A bunch of colourful gas balloons waiting to escape the grip of the vendor bobbing in the air as he plodded on the street

  • A perfect family of four, with the eldest member dressed in loose brown khaki shorts, colourful floral shirt, with thick glasses and an equally thick frame supporting them, silver hair and a thick silver moustache, other dressed proportionately funkier to their age, clustered at the edge of the road and waving out fervently to the rickshaws

  • 1.06 GBs of evergreen songs by Mohammed Rafi and Kishore Kumar amongst others

  • Mining a particular song I fell in love with thanks to the special singing abilities of a particular fellow commuter in the suburban trains

  • Lectures getting cancelled when it was least expected

  • Biting into a mayo-chicken roll and biting into it yet again while the minced chicken and the liberally added mayonnaise blended and melted in my mouth.

  • Looking at old snaps and laughing over how time changes everything from waistlines to people themselves!

  • Reading funny stuff about zodiac signs

  • Receiving a Fortune Cookie that said “You are the greatest person in the world”

  • 8 hours of sleep at night

  • Good food, good ambience and a great friend for company over dinner

  • Realizing that someone can sing and can really sing well

  • Surprising people by excelling at things that were never my cup of tea

  • Shaking a leg in the privacy of myown room knowing perfectly well that none’s watching

  • Knowing that I was missed

  • Listening to old numbers in a restaurant from an era almost forgotten

  • Bringing home a pile of crisp ironed clothes
  • Walking in a shop that houses aassortment of pastries, cakes, cookies, biscuits, breads and other confectionaries – little pieces of heaven!

  • Inadvertently spotting someone you long lost touch with and beginning a conversation

  • Admiring a celestial wonder
  • Getting a hair wash in a saloon