Because I choose to...
This post is dedicated to those rare individuals who believe in the power of following their dreams. It is for those who have made their aspirations see the light of day. It is for those who have taken the road less traveled and are still going strong without a bit of remorse or regret. Not every man is born with a heart of steel. This is a salute to those who have had the courage to live off the track and know that there’s more to life than simply living it!
Taking that small step to follow your heart is like stepping under a cold shower. The hardest part is just before you allow the cold water to hit you on your bare body. The tickling fear that sends chills down your spine is something you cannot avoid, not as a child, not even as a grown up. It’s like living the fraction of that very second before the bomb bursts in Diwali while you, pursing your lips and looking meekly from the corner of the slit of your eyes, see the tip of the wick lighting up in bright orange until …wham its all up in smoke!
In the mosaic of the million possibilities that life offers, one can take years to know what truly inspires him and transcends the soul to a completely different untainted world and help it rise above the earthly desires of money and fame. Living a life less ordinary is a matter of choice than a matter of destiny. The finest things in life, God’s most beautiful creations, and the pleasure of living a life of choice always come without a price tag both monetary and emotional. No price is too heavy to pay to move from what the mind thinks to what the heart desires. Its never to late nor is it too early to know what gives you a high and what you would truly enjoy doing even in the middle of the night, on the highest mountain peak, on the remotest island and in your bedroom before you retire to bed.
There was a time when I jumped on the bandwagon of those who considered selling off one’s wealth to explore the world on foot as nothing more than a cheap gimmick to come under the spotlight for a jiffy only to disappear in the dark shadows of their own deeds. Today, if I were to imagine myself getting caught in the web of ordinary people with mediocre desires and commonplace ideas I would only curse myself for not looking beyond the obvious and not seeing the wood from the trees. I fear there’s lot one could miss out on if one is not sure what one is searching for.
I am blessed to have encountered people in this short span of my being, who have lent different strokes to their life and made it more meaningful than ever by listening to their heart’s desires rather than painting it in the dull shades of gray. I am lucky to have a few friends who have identified their passions and devote a serious amount of effort towards it. It’s difficult to rekindle the fire of passion if it dies out due to negligence. With this piece of scribbling and the hope to keep an iota of interest for writing alive in my own heart, here’s me paying a tribute to those who share the same opinion and honor the unbounded reach of free will.