She hasn't seen a wonder in years
She hasn't witnessed a miracle lately
Her bed is wet from tears of dreams she hasn't lived
And yet parched for memories of those she has
Her motionless body is restless to run wild in the fields
Even though she doesn't remember the smell of the dozen lillies
Her favorite ones
That are now wilting by her bedside
Alongside a picture frame of smiling faces
Basking in the sunshine under the summer sky
Now she sweats even on cold winter mornings
Darkness is her only companion
Compassion her only gift
Life is but an endless story
Written anonymously in monotone
The sweetest melodies, the chimes
The hymn to the Almighty is just a drone
No words to describe the grief of the kin
In her life, whose paths she did cross
For today even in her presence
They have inherited loss
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