The velvet touch of the silken air
On a putrid ochre maple leaf
Lifts it for a waltz to the whistling woods
Amidst the mild perfume of sandalwoods
The frosty midnight breezy air
In the cold thick darkness of the night
With the smell of crackling cedar fed to flames
The canines somewhere playing wishful games
The balmy morning zephyr gently kisses
With the warmth of the peach sunrise
The tinkering chimes which offer a sweet euphony
That slowly fades in the day’s cacophony
A faceless enigma, unseen and ethereal
Yet full of Spirit, bounty with Life
Like Him, who would always be there
To raise us to new heights when engulfed in grief
Caring touches, gentle whispers, when hope dries up like the maple leaf…
On a putrid ochre maple leaf
Lifts it for a waltz to the whistling woods
Amidst the mild perfume of sandalwoods
The frosty midnight breezy air
In the cold thick darkness of the night
With the smell of crackling cedar fed to flames
The canines somewhere playing wishful games
The balmy morning zephyr gently kisses
With the warmth of the peach sunrise
The tinkering chimes which offer a sweet euphony
That slowly fades in the day’s cacophony
A faceless enigma, unseen and ethereal
Yet full of Spirit, bounty with Life
Like Him, who would always be there
To raise us to new heights when engulfed in grief
Caring touches, gentle whispers, when hope dries up like the maple leaf…