It settles on them with as much ease as dust settles on unattended corners of the house. It arrives at unsuspecting hours like uannounced guests who stay back for dinner. It intoxicates you like it is some sort of old wine. It lingers like the smell of someone even when that someone is long gone. It numbs you like when you had your first chance with fantasy. Your dreams are not dreams. Just prolonged phases of oblivion which your weak mind cannot condone. The world seems to have stopped spinning since the last time you saw the sunrise. You don't remember when. Your eyes are heavy like your jeans when you come out of the pool. They are stubborn and they shut themselves tight like a door slammed in a fit of extreme anger. They are relentless in their attempts of embarassing you like seniors on the first day of college. Such foolish games they play - these sleepy eyes on a drowsy mind!

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