Someone pointed out the other day that my poems are too 'deep' to comprehend or relate to. So this is an attempt at dispensing some shallow thoughts. Please be warned that the depth of these shallow thoughts is no deeper than that of a water droplet that lies undried in your bath tub when you return home in the evening. Return from where? Duh. Just anywhere! So the logical conclusion that follows is that I am like a water droplet. Tiny.
And how does it feel to be tiny? Like crap! Tiny crap. I know it from recollections of past when I felt tiny while enjoying rides on dinosaur backs. Those were the days! Oh yes, if the question is troubling you and since this piece is only a monologue you have no other choice but to just listen, without any possibility whatsoever of asking a question. So let me, by the extreme kindness that has been granted by Him, comply to your desires of knowing the unknown. Yes. I was friends with dinosaurs. Yes. They offered my free piggyback rides. Free. Such a boil on the foot feeling in this age of rising auto fares. Dino rides would have been so much fun, but for the parking constraints and the congestion on the roads. Personally, I consider them an intellectual bunch of creatures. I think they deserve a better taxonomical reference than just 'creatures'. But for now let's keep the emotions out and focus on 'shallow thoughts'. So these creatures as I said were an intellectual bunch who left earth for the tiny specs to evolve and become 'spec'tacular with shiny cars, fast bikes, flashy clothes and junk food! Junk food that makes us believe that dinos have reincarnated at the Mc Donald's, the Dominos and elsewhere on street corners. Seems like they have reappeared after being minced into fragments that plod around these places with mouths full of high calorie food. They no longer feel tiny. They feel huge. Like a million tiny pieces glued together. So the logical conclusion that follows is that if it feels like crap to be tiny then to be an amalmagation of tiny pieces should feel like a bigger chunk of crap. Crappier!
Do you make resolutions? Sorry, do you keep resolutions? Have you ever made a resolution to not feel crappier. I just made one before biting into my Big Mc that made me SO MUCH happier. So the line between crappier and happier is so fine that is invisible to the naked eye and definitely not to the stomach and its ever increasing appetite. The mouth always conforms to the abdominal desires and not to the signals of the brain. The brain is left with trapped signals and needs a deperate release. The release is through 'shallow thoughts'. Long live the hunger pangs, longer the reponses to them and much longer the tiny brain capable of dispensing shallow thoughts.