The bunch of assorted white flowers on the table, neatly tied with a fancy white satin ribbon in a flimsy transparent cellophane paper, tiny yellow hearts splashed all over it, sprinkled with freshness, the last drops of water just trickling down the sides of the paper in staggering streams…the incandescent glow of the scented lavender candle brought the warmth that was missing in the cold winter evening and in the memories that were clouding the mind for some time now like the fog that refused to yield to the passing hour of the night outside the French window draped with laced curtains daintily pleated, in ivory tones with mauve floral embroidery, royal silk cushions and gold crochet, arranged in perfect symmetry. I marvelled at the intricately carved silver photo-frames on the mantle that dazzled brilliantly under the ambient lights. It was hard to believe that the loneliness that had gripped the air wasn’t enough to evoke much of an admiration for the people in it. I felt like Alice in Wonderland as a magical charm enveloped the room when floating lamps in the crystal bowl rained glittering splinters of revolving refractions on the wall - enchanted yet lost! The soft melody of the saxophone must have been playing for the umpteenth time now and yet it failed to vex these ears. It was like one long euphony that was composed to last an eternity. The curio on the mantle appeared to stare obnoxiously at me, the rocking chair seemed to have frozen for a moment, and the unknown faces from the biographies on the rosewood shelf made attempts to strike an unspoken conversation just to keep me company. The Christmas lights danced merrily outside the window to assure that the world beyond the patio was either unaware or was unmoved by the distractions in a restless mind. The warmth of the new stockings on bare legs, the lingering taste of balm on the lips and the smell of naphthalene balls wrapped in old woollens brought with them a peculiar sense of déjà vu. Life had come a full circle and was giving yet another chance to live the lost moments that slipped away carelessly like sand grains from a clenched palm. It was time to weave new dreams, hope for new miracles, smile over little nothings, unravel the mysteries of life, share secrets and make promises. It was time to look back at the footprints in time and sprint towards new horizons. It was that ephemeral moment between the past and the future that seemed longer than ever. It was when I found myself lost within me. A rendezvous with Solitude and life unfolded before me like how a rose would wake up to the kiss of the morning sun. The pendulum of the vintage clock suddenly swung with a life-like vigour and the hands met in unison! - 00:00:00

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