A perpetual gaze at the distant horizon,
A ceaseless stare at the crimson sky,
A zephyr sweeps the restless mind,
A drapery drawn on the mortal world,
A pristine moment of solitude,
A close proximity to Him…
A soul clenched to vacuity,
A pure spirit levitates,
A radiant body unperturbed,
A heart calm and unruffled,
A soft glow from the halo,
A clear azure firmament,
A likewise mind…
A flash upon the inward eye,
A blurred vision of wants and longings,
A tapestry of unfulfilled desires,
A hallucination of lost opportunities,
A figment of towering wishes,
A haze cast out of nowhere,
A likewise mind…
A mirage at a distance,
A wrinkled forehead,
A twitch of a muscle,
A throb in the heart,
A spasmodic leap into reality,
A zap into to the earthly world…
A moment of ephemeral placidity,
A fleeting time gone in a jiffy,
A fidgety mind wanders again,
A dodging dream it chases,
A withering body bears it all and,
A soul swallows suffering…
A trice of proximity to Him,
A rejuvenation of spirits,
A rebirth of hopes,
A fire of vigor kindled,
A state of dynamism reached,
A thrust towards triumph gained!
A ceaseless stare at the crimson sky,
A zephyr sweeps the restless mind,
A drapery drawn on the mortal world,
A pristine moment of solitude,
A close proximity to Him…
A soul clenched to vacuity,
A pure spirit levitates,
A radiant body unperturbed,
A heart calm and unruffled,
A soft glow from the halo,
A clear azure firmament,
A likewise mind…
A flash upon the inward eye,
A blurred vision of wants and longings,
A tapestry of unfulfilled desires,
A hallucination of lost opportunities,
A figment of towering wishes,
A haze cast out of nowhere,
A likewise mind…
A mirage at a distance,
A wrinkled forehead,
A twitch of a muscle,
A throb in the heart,
A spasmodic leap into reality,
A zap into to the earthly world…
A moment of ephemeral placidity,
A fleeting time gone in a jiffy,
A fidgety mind wanders again,
A dodging dream it chases,
A withering body bears it all and,
A soul swallows suffering…
A trice of proximity to Him,
A rejuvenation of spirits,
A rebirth of hopes,
A fire of vigor kindled,
A state of dynamism reached,
A thrust towards triumph gained!