There's something about this season that's appealing despite the scorching summer sun. There's a little joy in having to do away with the usual when schools close down. There's vibrancy of colors, splash of cold drinks, lingering freshness of perfumes and talcs all to fight the season and that's what makes this a season that's much awaited as much as it is despised. It's a love hate relationship. Almond like. Bitter and sweet.

Freedom means different things to different people. For some the closest encounter with freedom could be while having the TV remote tightly clasped in their hand. For some others it may mean a few days away from the routine. Today, I experience this freedom. Every time I log into facebook there's a blank text box asking me "What's on your mind?" Everytime I made an effort to answer that question, something else painted my mind's canvas. Today the canvas reads just one answer in big bold letters - Feels like summer holidays! And that's my definition of freedom. The power to choose, the desire to explore, the strength to slow down and the humility to accept that life feels good in the slow lane.