Nature beckons urbanites on a lazy weekend and welcomes them with open arms. Through narrow lanes drawn on tiny towns, over shadowed roads of leaved canopies and along wind swept beaches. Nestled in nature's lap with a bunch of friends and finding the little joys of life. Watching the blazing sun surrender to the calmness of the sea, lending it it's uneasiness evident by the surging waves. Little men shedding all inhibitions walking into the sunset and bobbing along the waves. Lovers meandering along the shore, the wind ruffling their hair carelessly, unmindful they walk hand-in-hand barefoot on the virgin sands leaving behind footprints in time. The bewitching panorama stretching as far as the eyes can see. Like an artist's brush strokes come alive and chiseled to perfection, the landscape mesmerizes the onlooker. Rarely has such proximity to nature failed to evoke a sense of being and belongingness. You look forward to many such magical moments. You look forward to all such days when you would get to pump life into the routine that often saps it out. You believe in the beauty of things around you and the one within. You feel loved and want to love back in return with all your heart. The soothing sounds of the sea, little spotlights from the night sky, and one of your favorite songs playing somewhere in the distance. A frozen moment in time as splendid and as lovely as would a snow globe unfold in the tight grasp of little hands.

There ain’t no magic since you are gone

No signs of flutter birds or their songs

I sit by the window, the sun smiles at me

Life seems so much like a parody

I walk to the shores, the sand at me feet

Sand that once didn’t just seem to slip

From the hourglass you gifted me

Said like a little boy, “Please forgive me”

Now that it’s broken and so are our hearts

Warmth of the sun is all that I’ve got

The sand slipped away, the sea swallowed it

A box full of gifts and fond memories

Wrapped in a polythene dumped underneath

Out of my sight and yet in my heart

Forever shall stay and can never part

I cry out aloud and ask if it’s true

Is it goodbye forever to you?

“No” I scream aloud, it can’t ever be

You are my reason to believe

As I watch you cry

When you hear me sing

On the radio

Can you feel your heart sting?

Can you feel your heart sting?

Yes I know your heart stings

Yeah I know your heart stings

And that smile of yours makes my heart swing

Yes that smile of yours makes my heart swing

Yeah that smile of yours makes my heart swing!

Expanding waistline
Receeding hairline
Stocks on decline
Losses on incline
Stricter timeline
Waiting in beeline
Life needs a realign
Ethical washout
Existence hand-to-mouth
Political clout
Restless bout
Mindful of doubt
Reasons to pout
India Shining a tout
Drunken hangover
Careless hover
Speeding land rover
Death of a lover
Freed by power
Living in tower
Player 1. Game over

I like spending quality time. Specially the one that I spend all alone. While am not particularly attracted to loneliness and solitude, it's worthwhile to treat yourself to a break once in a while. A break much deserved from the routine, from the regular and from the rigmaroles. Indulge in youself - a book, a hot tub bath, a 12 hr sleep ... just anything your regular schedule makes seem like a fantasy. A complete rejuvenation of body, mind and soul. Finding peace in bits and parts and then holding it tight in your arms. Eventually you let go, life doesn't leave much of a choice there. Back to work, back to the daily humdrums, back to complaints and cribbing about unhealthy lifestyles, poor worklife balance, sleepless nights, and a million other things that you refuse to accept with a smile. Yet, you cherish the little time you invested in yourself as you redeemed those long hours at work. They say you are your biggest asset. Make a good investment in yourself before the drudgery of life makes you a liability only left to be written off and taken off the books.

Some say cooking is an art. I believe it’s a science. And eating is an art, especially if you are eating something cooked by someone who considers cooking to be a science.

Like all science experiments in school, you prepare for your cooking experiments first with the apparatus – pans, pots and plates in lieu of measuring cylinders, test-tubes and beakers. Then you measure the ingredients in grams, litres or by the more rudimentary ways of measurements - cups and spoons. You deal with fire. You put to use solids that change their form, shape and color. For beginners you always have a handbook to refer to. And did I miss mentioning that like all experiments, cooking always begins with an end in mind, an objective well-defined.

Eating is like appreciating modern art. A connoisseur can appreciate something that seemingly does not exist in the piece of art. Similarly, someone who has the misfortune to be eating food cooked by someone who regards cooking as a science experiment is forced to finds flavors that never exist in the food but are made to exist by the power of imagination and wishful thinking. Eating need not always have an end in mind, it could be to satiate your hunger pangs, it could be out of survival needs, it could be because there is nothing better to kill your time with, it could be because you need it while you watch television, it could be because you just feel like it, or it could be all of it!

You have recipe books. Whoever wrote a book on eating? Anything sans of rules, methods and procedures cannot be anything but art and anything that is full of it is undoubtedly is science. So a poorly cooked dinner is only an experiment that didn’t result into the desired or expected outcome. But a badly eaten dinner only means the subject was a poor art lover who failed to discover the hidden meaning in the work of art like someone searching for the Monalisa in the galleries of Tate Britain.

Two eyes popped open under a tuft of black hair that carried the smell of some unfamiliar baby shampoo. They had a look that would put a seasoned gambler to shame had the reels in the slot machine come to a jarring halt wiping him of his fortune like how a dab of cold cream could disappear on the skin on cold winter mornings. On one such winter morning, through the slit in the wooden window fixed in an unclothed window frame, a ray of the morning sun arrived into the tiny room bouncing off a million dust particles that floated in the air like figments of imagination that were sometimes conceived in the otherwise dormant brain of the waif. He lay there warming himself in the little comfort that the streak of sunlight offered him. His eyes were transfixed to the dark damp ceiling of the cubicle and thoughts ran in his mind, the speed of those bicycles that had chased him the previous night. Bicycles that carried plump uncouth men in tattered clothes and bunch of steel chains around their sweaty necks that jangled as they rode on the freshly tarred road. He turned around to one side and looked at the blue polythene, the size of a beanbag, stuffed with knickknacks that carried labels of “Made in China”. A new day at work was about to commence for a little life “Made in India.”

How are some songs so perfectly written? How can every word in the song convey a thousand emotions that are seldom easy to put across? How can the music weave those words so magically that you can almost feel your heart stir when you listen to it? Why does it remind you of someone, some place or some fleeting moment in time that you wanted to capture and hold on to? How does it, with such brilliant ease, transcend you to a place you heart lost its way in search of? The language of music is universal and some songs just tell you why. The power of words is phenomenal and some lyrics just reinstate that belief. There are songs you never want to stop listening to and you put them in the replay mode because you just don’t seem to get enough of them. It paints a picture so vivid and blissful like the stuff of dreams that you refuse to accept that life would be any beautiful if you ceased to listen to it. Little do we realize that life itself is a song, and we all have our lines to sing…

There's a silent surrender to the drudgery of life. The dreams you once had are now packed and sealed...never to be opened in the portals of your "hallowed" workplace. You see your worst fears coming true day after day. A realization grows on you every single moment you spend at your desk. You are about to submit your desires, your interests and your love for an umpteen number of things just because waking up every morning, stepping into your leather shoes and following the daily routine of attending work is what evokes a mild sense of respect about being employed. It guarantees a paycheck every month to give you a false assurance about your present and about your future that's as hazy as your expectations at work. You retire your day as a tired, tortured, timid individual who has been enslaved by the corporate lifestyle leaving little or no time for yourself or to realize your dreams long cherished. At different points in the day in different ways for different reasons you wish you were doing something 'different'.

You didn't spend all those years in college getting inspired by success stories to assume a meaningless existence. You didn't yearn to grow up only to slaughter your notions of freedom and individuality at the altar of financial security and social acceptance. How many times have you used the word 'hate' before you began work? How many times have you woken up in the morning with nothing to look forward to before you began work? How many times have you wanted to break free? You have survived the toughest of all rules, the stringent of all laws, justified the hardest of all restrictions imposed. But today, your mind is not ready for this. A mind that was built to be creative feels straitjacketed at a place that has little to offer in terms of creativity. It feels sapped due to lack of an intellectually simulating environment. It needs a place to breathe and feel alive again.

To be stuck in the wrong job is a slap on the face of a well qualified individual. A tighter one on that of an MBA. Now how many of those lakhs of MBA aspirants really hit the nail on the head? As a proud holder of a management degree, you realize you are not just fortunate but also worthy... a lot more than the present situation forces you to believe. You cannot forfeit your dreams and aspirations thinking the world is too small a place and it will arrange your tryst with opportunities. You need to breed them. The least a good educational degree offers you is the power to think beyond the limits of the obvious. The one thing it never teaches you is to be brave. It never teaches you to take a detour in your career to follow what you know you are naturally good at. Instead it nestles you under the comfortable blanket of all your educational degrees and certificates, and ushers you on a path that has been tried and tested by the educated and qualified strata of the society. The question is how far will this path take you? Sooner or later any sane person who has not sold his dreams during his ascent on the corporate ladder will be left with an emptiness inside of him. An emptiness that will bite him hard as he stands on one of the rungs of the same ladder, more often than not not the highest one, as his looks back and counts the years that he has lost after having renounced his dreams to conventional wisdom.

Sometimes workplaces demand a certain level of dumbness. While this doesn't come naturally in the first instance, you get accustomed to doing things the dumb way, and over time is seeps into your blood and then you become comfortably dumb in your own frame. This transition from being someone who questions dumb behaviour to someone who sets higher standards of dumb behaviour sometimes goes unnoticed by the eyes of the 'achiever'. This achiever is too far engaged in a chase for the higher and the fatter to realize the sudden increase in his DQ or Dumbness Quotient.

Remember it's never too late to start and it's never to early to give up on things that don't matter. Remember that every person you know has the same fears as you do, and that they don't turn true so easily if you only try not to let them turn true. Remember that faith can keep you alive but hardwork can give you a second life. Remember that you might have the worst job in the world but you might be the lucky chap to have the best person in your arms. Remember that person is here to stay with you forever, through good jobs, bad jobs and no job. Remember to appreciate the finer things in life when you suddenly feel crushed under hammering thoughts. Remember life isn't that bad afterall. Remember that as much as you would like to curse your luck and blame your destiny, there are better explanations of why something went wrong. Take life the way it comes, one step at a time and live each moment - good or bad - to the fullest. Such moments build memories, create experiences, shape your life in a countless different ways and paint it in a thousand myriad shades lending it a brilliant uniqueness. A uniquness that's you!

Life is perfect, only when you think it is or when you don't think at all.

Someone pointed out the other day that my poems are too 'deep' to comprehend or relate to. So this is an attempt at dispensing some shallow thoughts. Please be warned that the depth of these shallow thoughts is no deeper than that of a water droplet that lies undried in your bath tub when you return home in the evening. Return from where? Duh. Just anywhere! So the logical conclusion that follows is that I am like a water droplet. Tiny.

And how does it feel to be tiny? Like crap! Tiny crap. I know it from recollections of past when I felt tiny while enjoying rides on dinosaur backs. Those were the days! Oh yes, if the question is troubling you and since this piece is only a monologue you have no other choice but to just listen, without any possibility whatsoever of asking a question. So let me, by the extreme kindness that has been granted by Him, comply to your desires of knowing the unknown. Yes. I was friends with dinosaurs. Yes. They offered my free piggyback rides. Free. Such a boil on the foot feeling in this age of rising auto fares. Dino rides would have been so much fun, but for the parking constraints and the congestion on the roads. Personally, I consider them an intellectual bunch of creatures. I think they deserve a better taxonomical reference than just 'creatures'. But for now let's keep the emotions out and focus on 'shallow thoughts'. So these creatures as I said were an intellectual bunch who left earth for the tiny specs to evolve and become 'spec'tacular with shiny cars, fast bikes, flashy clothes and junk food! Junk food that makes us believe that dinos have reincarnated at the Mc Donald's, the Dominos and elsewhere on street corners. Seems like they have reappeared after being minced into fragments that plod around these places with mouths full of high calorie food. They no longer feel tiny. They feel huge. Like a million tiny pieces glued together. So the logical conclusion that follows is that if it feels like crap to be tiny then to be an amalmagation of tiny pieces should feel like a bigger chunk of crap. Crappier!

Do you make resolutions? Sorry, do you keep resolutions? Have you ever made a resolution to not feel crappier. I just made one before biting into my Big Mc that made me SO MUCH happier. So the line between crappier and happier is so fine that is invisible to the naked eye and definitely not to the stomach and its ever increasing appetite. The mouth always conforms to the abdominal desires and not to the signals of the brain. The brain is left with trapped signals and needs a deperate release. The release is through 'shallow thoughts'. Long live the hunger pangs, longer the reponses to them and much longer the tiny brain capable of dispensing shallow thoughts.

There's something about this season that's appealing despite the scorching summer sun. There's a little joy in having to do away with the usual when schools close down. There's vibrancy of colors, splash of cold drinks, lingering freshness of perfumes and talcs all to fight the season and that's what makes this a season that's much awaited as much as it is despised. It's a love hate relationship. Almond like. Bitter and sweet.

Freedom means different things to different people. For some the closest encounter with freedom could be while having the TV remote tightly clasped in their hand. For some others it may mean a few days away from the routine. Today, I experience this freedom. Every time I log into facebook there's a blank text box asking me "What's on your mind?" Everytime I made an effort to answer that question, something else painted my mind's canvas. Today the canvas reads just one answer in big bold letters - Feels like summer holidays! And that's my definition of freedom. The power to choose, the desire to explore, the strength to slow down and the humility to accept that life feels good in the slow lane.

Muttered prayers deep inside

Just when I thought hope had died

Bowed to a mesh of fingers, eyes shut tight

Scrambled towards the ray of light

Suddenly the sky opened up and it poured

And with it shut a hundred doors

Thunders muffled the voices in my head

And two weary feet returned to bed

The sun rose and it wrapped me warm

The rainbow smiled and it stretched an arm

And I returned on my journey, north bound

Just the way the earth couldn’t cease turning around!

There is a face hidden behind the hood

Fearless and aimless yet lost in the woods

Finding the way to where the sun sets in the sky

The maze in the woods serves a perfect alibi

Every night when the stars fill the heavens above

He knows there’s bliss with him right there right now

And yet when the sunrays blind him through the trees

He knows he’s being fooled by the randomness of the breeze

The birds span the distance in search of sweet berries

The heart follows the path traced by human vagaries

The silvery moon wraps the world in celestial wonders

And the earth turns to the music of the midnight thunders

He’s walks alone with a dream the size of a drop in the ocean

Smiling and painting it with the hue of every emotion

I don't seem to understand the complexities of the human nature. The same people who can gauge the magnitude of tumult in your heart by a mere tone of words can sometimes completely fail to understand you. Your fears, your worries, your desires, your wishes are sometimes all yours. These are born with you. They live and grow with you but may never see the light of the day. They are your and yours alone.

Why is it so difficult to let your own people know that you care for them, that you wish to be alone for a while, that you have your own choices to make, that you want to slow down a little bit, that you may not understand what they say but respect their opinion nevertheless, that you are not trying to impose, that you have little fears that keep bothering you, that you have your own beliefs, that there are things that bother you but you trust them nevertheless, that they aren't the only one sacrificing, that you always want to see them happy, that you have been moulded in a certain way, and that it hurts to hurt them?

Is it okay to beg apology in hindsight, it is okay to refuse something on its face, is it okay to bury certain fears and yet not be able to hide or think about them, is it okay to beg something happens your way just because it will make you really happy, is it okay to excuse oneself from certain conversations, is it okay to let go, is it okay to hold on and never let go, is it okay to be uncomfortable with yourselves, is it okay to ask so many questions?

In a world full of differences and a city full of doubts if I could ask for a little space filled with harmony and people that matter would life refuse to oblige?

“The longest mile is between two hearts

That have seen everything but the truth

The smiles are fake and the love is false

And what remains is but an empty waltz

Hand in hand we’ve walked the path

We’ve chased our dreams on the way

No matter where life takes us now

The smiles are here to stay

No matter how close or how far you are

I know you feel me somehow

And across the distance I can hear you sing

Or is it my heart that’s filled with love?

I am afraid to seek answers

I am afraid to even try

For the truth could be stranger than fiction

It could be more than I can buy!

Sleepless nights I have spent in my bed

Shed tears for reasons I didn’t even know

Woke up to find we’ve parted ways

I am lost; I know not where to go!

Come hold my hand, lock my fingers in yours

Let’s listen to our favourite song

Let’s walk into the sunset

As I listen to your sweet nothings all along

The shortest mile between two hearts

Is a smile from cheek to cheek

Heartfelt and true

And this time I am smiling

Just by thinking of you!”

It’s a promise made in time

Every word you say

No matter how time turns

Your words are here to stay

It’s a treat to a worried soul

Every smile you smile

Bids adieu to worries

If not for ever, for a while

Makes up for loss of words

Every sign you give

That’s how they fall in love

When it’s hard to believe

It’s a triumph of a sort

Every lie you hide

Until it belies the conscience

In which you confide

It’s a design of destiny

Every fear you face

When in doubt, remember

To have faith in His grace

The wind plays foolish games

And so does this little heart

The wind can cease to blow

But the heart just cannot

The clouds drift and wander

And so do thoughts in the head

The clouds can shower and thunder

The thoughts sleep with you in bed

The sun rages with passion

And so does the heart’s desire

The sea calms the burning sun

The heart is left to the pyre

The trees are parched for life

And so is a soul that breathes

Every summer promises a spring

What soothes a soul that seethes?

It’s funny, His grand design

Created with utmost care

Blesses one with an ability to inspire

And gives other the strength to bear