The Quest
I sought solace in the crowd
Of unknown faces
That came and went
Like the seasons of the sky
With words that broke
Like a string of pearls
Slipped and strewn on marble floor
And promises that lasted
The life of the morning due
Little soothed a burning heart
A dainty dream broken apart
Until I stopped to look around
And discovered bliss in solitude
And since then my heart
Has little known
Man’s quest for happiness
In a world forlorn
Begins and ends with him
...and him alone.

You never know what could make you smile. Some of the biggest chunks of happiness come from the smallest pies of life. The most unthought-of reasons could make you believe in the power of simplicity!

  • A bunch of colourful gas balloons waiting to escape the grip of the vendor bobbing in the air as he plodded on the street

  • A perfect family of four, with the eldest member dressed in loose brown khaki shorts, colourful floral shirt, with thick glasses and an equally thick frame supporting them, silver hair and a thick silver moustache, other dressed proportionately funkier to their age, clustered at the edge of the road and waving out fervently to the rickshaws

  • 1.06 GBs of evergreen songs by Mohammed Rafi and Kishore Kumar amongst others

  • Mining a particular song I fell in love with thanks to the special singing abilities of a particular fellow commuter in the suburban trains

  • Lectures getting cancelled when it was least expected

  • Biting into a mayo-chicken roll and biting into it yet again while the minced chicken and the liberally added mayonnaise blended and melted in my mouth.

  • Looking at old snaps and laughing over how time changes everything from waistlines to people themselves!

  • Reading funny stuff about zodiac signs

  • Receiving a Fortune Cookie that said “You are the greatest person in the world”

  • 8 hours of sleep at night

  • Good food, good ambience and a great friend for company over dinner

  • Realizing that someone can sing and can really sing well

  • Surprising people by excelling at things that were never my cup of tea

  • Shaking a leg in the privacy of myown room knowing perfectly well that none’s watching

  • Knowing that I was missed

  • Listening to old numbers in a restaurant from an era almost forgotten

  • Bringing home a pile of crisp ironed clothes
  • Walking in a shop that houses aassortment of pastries, cakes, cookies, biscuits, breads and other confectionaries – little pieces of heaven!

  • Inadvertently spotting someone you long lost touch with and beginning a conversation

  • Admiring a celestial wonder
  • Getting a hair wash in a saloon

For someone who has always dreamt of a knight in shining armour to come riding on a white stallion and taking her away into the ‘happily ever after time’ not much can be done to heal a heart break when the knight comes galloping on a stallion and just as she throws her arms open being sure of being lifted like a maple leaf by the summer breeze, he passes in front of her dreamy eyes over to the greener pastures while the stallion kicks dirt on her face. And like all heroines in the perfect love stories she believes in the power of true love and waits for him to return thinking he had a problem gauging the distance, or maybe the momentum wasn’t enough to carry her along, or maybe he had an alignment problem, and a million reasons women are capable of coming up with to complicate a simple explanation. Moreover, stallions do not have a reverse gear, and so it might take him a bit longer – the turnaround time is more…literally speaking!

What’s laid out here is my theory of expectations hypothesized by what life has offered me and more importantly what it has not offered me so far. The more you expect the greater are your chances of getting disappointed. Let’s say you are told by this friend of yours about this restaurant where they serve a scrumptious meal. Now, while the expectations would largely depend on the limits of your imagination, the ground reality would be what it is at the end of the day – ground reality! As much as we would want our expectations to converge with reality, facts and reality are stranger than fiction. People don’t turn out the way you thought they would, you feel betrayed and used like a tissue paper that’s popped into the dustbin the moment someone has wiped his face. You feel you have taken a wrong turn on your career path, to reach a point of no return. You had wanted to be at the other end of the pole, in some other city, on some other job, with someone else, looking different, living a different lifestyle, seeking answers to more important questions in life while you are reading this. Belied expectations and the best laid plans going waste, is something that all have the misfortune of experiencing. Why is it that some people seem happier than others? Did they get the larger share of the pie? Did they never fall prey to unmet expectations? Has WYSIWYG been truer in their case than that of others be it with people, career or even movies?

I believe everyone has a downfall of expectations. Everyone falls prey to it. But only a few get up and pretend as if nothing happened. Some take time to get back on their feet, others are quick and agile. That is what makes all the difference and if you were to ask me of the last time my expectations went for a toss I would say – here. This piece is nowhere to close to what I wanted it to be like. The least I expected it to be was a decent read for those who have been checking this space for updates and a compilation of thoughts that would a little sense to yours truly if not to those who would have the misfortune of reading this piece purely out of expectations of something worth reading.